From: Charlie Dirksen
5/3/93  State Theatre, New Brunswick, NJ (Rvwd 3/95)

I hear a tease of "I feel the earth move under my
feet.." Anyway, this tune is teased again, more
strongly, later on in the jam segment.  The jam
segment of this Tweezer is far from tweezeresque (it
is not dark or eerie).  It is very funky, and light
on its feet.. really jams.  It is really a fantastic
jam segment, with lots of action and input from All,
especially around the 7 and a half min point.  Very
similar to 5/6/93, which is one of my favorite
versions of Tweezer.  It is just excellent, with a
frighteningly together improv jam segment, that
works.  At around the 10 and a half min point, there
is a severe Manteca jam (they sing Manteca, and then
segue back into an awe-inspiring Tweezer finale jam
after a brief trippy section).  Towards the end, Mike
appears to tease Superstitious (Stevie Wonder).  Dies
out slowly.  Ends at just after 17 mins.  7.5 (A)
rating.  An excellent version.
