Opening segment has a lot of ch-ch vocal noises from Trey,
but is otherwise standard. The jam segment opens up in
ultra-funky fashion, but not "as normal." I like the
licks that Trey is sticking in here.. at about 5:45 or so,
he seems to jam on a theme that I should know (it sounds
vaguely similar to a classic rock song I might have heard,
but it probably isn't a per se tease or quote). This is a
fantastic Tweezer jam! Just very groovy.. I can't imagine
anyone (except my friend Dave) sitting still for this
one!! Everyone's jamming in here fiercely, but Trey, as
usual, is in the lead with melodic play... Very creative
jamming from Trey that *REALLY WORKS* in my opinion.. No
off key crap, no what do I do now moments.. just solid,
well above average theme jamming.
At 10 minutes, the jam verrry slowly and steadily dies
out, but not in typical Tweezeresque fashion.. no real
return to the theme in here.. lotsa noodling.. uh-oh..
then the jam picks up a little bit, and Trey lets loose,
sounding spectacular!! Very Bluesy ending to this
Tweezer... then Lizards segues in. Total time is only
12:02, but this Tweezer is *very* cool.. 6.5 rating. Well
above average! Highly recommended!