Hey there
The tone for this Ghost Story was set by the first serious Fog of autumn
roll through the Willamette Valley. Bearing tapes of this show
from Vienna
kindly donated to the cause by Phil Zerbo (Thanks Phil!!!), I cautiously
stepped out into The Fog. I had heard none of the Ghost Story
and already
it was feeling spooky. The Ghost segues out of an equally spooky Stash.
Cruising down Alberta St. through the hood, the police were definitely
gunning for somebody this morning. Driving across the I-405 bridge
the Jam
began to morph. It had a distinct Cities-like feel to it but I couldn't
find my City anywhere....it was lost in the fog....the Citiness (check
the jam prior to Cities from the next day in Prague to see if you hear
I do) faded into a "Fluffy" as in Fluff's travels sort of scratch before
serious funk groove. It is arguable that the turn to the funk
marks the
apparition of the Ghost of Tommy Wallace (one of the mean ol crusty
ghost dudes from the movie The Fog that bedeviled Adrienne Barbeau
and the
queen of early eighties scream Jamie Lee "don't call me Tony" Curtis)
for the sake of consistency I'm timing it from the clear start of the
Prologue. The vocals in this Prologue sound WEIRD....some bizarre ambient
electronica effect seems to be causing a reverb of sorts...the funk
prevalent throughout....the break in the prologue is extended and Page
starts getting DOWN best prologue I've heard so far for this alone....the
Ghost Story itself loses the funk immediately....Tommy Wallace is in
Mood To Dance....he has come for your head...all must pay for the light
going out in the Fog....he was dashed upon the rocks and so too are
Space and Time begin to warp. Traffic slows to a standstill as I emerge
from the tunnel and begin to ascend the west hills...my god how can
a song
played over 3 months ago in Europe affect all these vehicles
now...here.....6000 miles away. This ghost story is very reminiscent
of a
segment of THE David Bowie from 6/24/95....and it has the very same
effects....gradually around the 7:30 mark (timing based on start of
prologue) time and the cars around me begin to speed up The Ghost starts
dissolve and just as quickly so does the Fog this PAINFULLY short Ghost
ends at about the 8:45 mark as I saw it again comes in through my
window....what I could see again was the sun and the bright blue Oregonian
Sky.....The Ghost of Tommy Wallace was gone....I had made it safely
The Fog
Who you Gonna Call